Images submitted here must be of historical events, taken at least 20 years ago. Please consider submitting those images to /r/thewaywewere or /r/HumanPorn. Pictures of family members are not allowed in r/HistoryPorn unless they were taken in the context of a verifiable, historically significant event.Videos, collections, interactive images/websites, and articles are not allowed.Posters, illustrations, compositions and postcards are not permitted.
Include the resolution in in the title.If you cannot find the date after a concerted effort, then a rough estimate or simply saying unknown date will suffice.Include the date of the photograph in the title.Titles should not include any political or cultural interpretation or observation.Please add commentary and supplementary information in the comments. Titles should not include commentary, opinion or information about the circumstances surrounding the person/event in the image.Include an accurate description of the photograph (event, location, war, year, etc) in the title.If a post breaks one of our rules you will be informed about it. So it is perfectly normal for your post to not show up in the new listing. New rule about colorized photographs - Mod applicationsĪll posts will be reviewed by a human moderator first before they become visible to all subscribers.