If you ever feel yourself starting to lose your cool, you can always take a trip to the bathroom. While you might have love for your opposite sex best friend, there are bound to be some aspects of the relationship you don't love so much.ĭon't fret. That being said, these type of relationships – like all relationships – can get sticky at times. Jerry had Elaine, Matt has Kim, Duchovny had Gillian Anderson.Įven Clarissa – who explained it all – had that one 'ride or die' dude who rocked groovy tie-dye gear and climbed up the f*cking side of the house every time he wanted to hang out with her. If you're a woman? It's no different, either. If you're a guy, it's completely fine to have a female best friend. In spite of all the different groups of friends you will acquire, one thing remains the same: Nothing can ever truly replace that one person who truly holds you down – and there's certainly no gender-based criteria that person has to meet. In college, you'll make your college friends – and perhaps your future best men.
You'll always have your 'home friends,' whom you grew up with, and probably tried whiskey with for the first time – compliments of one of your parents' liquor cabinets. From one phase of life to the next, humans will constantly be making new friends – regardless of whatever Drake has to say about the matter.